Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Should I Tell My Doctor If I'm Having Missed Periods?

A woman’s menstrual cycle plays an important role in overall health, and a regular cycle is often a key factor in becoming pregnant naturally. Also known as a woman’s “period”, the process of menstruating removes unfertilized eggs from the body to allow for viable eggs to take their place. Periods usually occur on a regular cycle each month, but several health conditions can interrupt this cycle.

When a woman misses her period, it may mean that she is experiencing fertility concerns that may interfere with attempts to become pregnant. Missed periods may also signal that something else is going on medically, so women who miss their periods are encouraged to keep track of any additional symptoms they notice and speak with their doctors for a medical evaluation.

Causes of a Missed Period

A missed period is different from a late period. A period may be late due to challenges like stress, but this usually regulates itself once stressors have been removed.

A missed period altogether can mean something more serious is going on. A missed period from PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, can signal that a woman may need to have her ovaries checked for the development of cysts. If you have been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome and have experienced a missed period from PCOS, it’s a good idea to let your doctor know so that your condition can be monitored, and your overall health can be evaluated.

Treatment for a Missed Period

Treating a disruption in a woman’s menstrual cycle will depend on the cause and severity of the medical issue. In the case of PCOS, correcting a woman’s cycle may require changes in lifestyle that include an increase in exercise and a move toward healthy foods. Your doctor can provide you with personal guidance regarding the things you can do to reduce the symptoms of PCOS.

Note: The above is not medical advice. Only your doctor can provide you with medical guidance based on your medical history.

Read a similar article about Hirsutism from PCOD here at this page.

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