Tuesday, December 5, 2023

How Common is Lean PCOS?

PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is a relatively common condition that affects women across the world. If you’ve heard of PCOS, you may already know that the condition is caused by ovarian cysts that can affect hormone levels. PCOS also produces side effects like weight gain, and this common complaint among women with PCOS is one of the more challenging aspects of the condition.

What you may not have heard of is lean polycystic ovary syndrome. This is a type of PCOS in which ovarian cysts still cause hormone challenges, but in lean polycystic ovary syndrome, a woman’s weight is not affected.

Is Lean PCOS Less Impactful?

Although lean PCOS does not lead to weight gain, many of the same side effects found in traditional PCOS still affect those with the condition. Oily skin, thinning hair and infertility are healthcare challenges in lean PCOS just like in traditional PCOS. Both conditions are also caused by the same disruption in hormone production and regulation.

Why Does Lean PCOS Matter?

Because these two conditions are virtually identical, you may wonder why there’s even a need to differentiate between them. The issue with lean PCOS is that it can complicate a diagnosis, potentially leading to improper treatment.

As weight gain is a hallmark of traditional PCOS, women with lean PCOS may not be suspected of having the condition. A doctor who meets with a woman suffering from lean PCOS may overlook the other side effects and remove PCOS entirely from their differential diagnosis because weight gain is not present. They may even misdiagnose a woman with a different condition and even prescribe unnecessary medications.

Exercise and Diet Are Still Important

Even though a woman with lean PCOS may not experience weight gain, a proper diet and exercise remain important. Talk to your doctor if you suspect you have lean PCOS, and document your symptoms so you can keep track of changes. This documentation can be helpful if you have lean PCOS as it can direct your physician to the correct diagnosis.

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